Tomi Knuutila

3512042707_c3d8580a73_bTomi Knuutila is a media artist and researcher currently lecturing in Digital Media at the Faculty of Arts, University of Lapland (Rovaniemi, Finland). 

Tomi’s work encompasses physical and spatial design, data and software design, audio and visual design. His practice-based research centres around the concept of simplicity and how it appears in interactive art and interaction design.

Working as a lecturer in the Audiovisual Media Culture programme at University of Lapland, he has also been in charge of a masters programme in Ubiquitous Computing and Media Design (UBIQ), coordinated the DAMA network through which Media and Dance students may work together, and a UArctic network on Digital Media and Media Arts.

In his words, “Many of my works are difficult to create and realise but are simple and fun for the people who use, view and interact with them. Humour is seriously an important thing.”


