Ghareeb Iskander

Ghareeb Iskander is an Iraqi poet based in London. He took part in poetry translation workshops in Erbil, Iraq and the Reel Iraq Festival in 2013.

Ghareeb's. Rich Mix - by M. Brydon

Ghareeb has published eight books including A Chariot of Illusion (Exiled Writers Ink, 2009); Gilgamesh’s Snake( Beirut, 2012) which is now being translated into English; Translating Sayyab into English (London, 2013). He has taken part in Erbil, Reel Iraq, Edinburgh, Wigtown, Bath and Niniti festivals, and Movement Against Xenphobia Conference. Ghareeb is the featured writer of Scottish Pen.


You can read some of Ghareeb’s work on Arablit.

