John Glenday

Scottish poet John Glenday’s work combines the everyday and the transcendent. He took part in poetry translation workshops in Erbil, Iraq and the Reel Iraq Festival in 2013.

John Glenday -Wet Collodion print courtesy of Alastair Cook

John Glenday -Wet Collodion print courtesy of Alastair Cook

John Glenday’s first collection, The Apple Ghost won a Scottish Arts Council Book Award and his second, Undark, was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation. His most recent collection, Grain (Picador, 2009) was also a Poetry Book Society Recommendation and was shortlisted for both the Ted Hughes Award and the Griffin International Poetry Prize. A fourth collection will be published in September 2015. He was a judge for the 2011 UK National Poetry Competition and sits on the Board of the Moniack Mhor Writers’ Centre, Scotland.

In 1990/91 he was appointed Scottish/Canadian Exchange Fellow, based at the University of Alberta. In 2010 he spent a month as poetry faculty at the Banff Centre, Alberta.

He lives in the Scottish Highlands.

You can see more of John’s work at The Scottish Poetry Library and The Guardian.

