Kathrine Sowerby

Kathrine Sowerby is a Glasgow based poet with a background in fine art. She joined us on our City to City project featuring artists from Glasgow and Lahore. 


A graduate of Glasgow School of Art’s MFA programme and Glasgow University’s MLitt in Creative Writing, her poems and translations have most recently been published in Gutter, Northwords Now, New Writing Scotland, Poetry Salzburg Review, Aesthetica,Yonder Awa, A Bird is not a Stone and online at Anomalous Press and her book length poem Unnecessarily Emphatic was transcribed for theatre and performed in New York. She has been a runner up in the Edwin Morgan and the Wigtown Poetry Competitions and received a 2012/13 New Writers Award from the Scottish Book Trust. Kathrine co-runs Tell It Slant, Glasgow’s poetry bookshop, and curates and makes Fourfold, a pocket-sized publication.

