Learning Lab : Stories of Conflict, Migration and Place – Manchester, May 4, 2016
Home, 10:30 am – 17:00 pm
Still from ‘The Architect’ by Mujahid Attar
This daylong Learning Lab is part of the the Platforma Arts and Refugees Network and will explore stories of conflict, migration and place. Delivered by Community Arts North West (CAN) in partnership with Counterpoints Arts and Highlight Arts under the Moving Worlds Film Programme.
This event will focus on the changing nature of digital storytelling and film production in the context of the Syrian civil war and other places of conflict. What motivates screenwriters, filmmakers and producers to engage in creative storytelling in the middle of a violent conflict? Or when experiencing and/or witnessing dramatic human displacement?
What are the new methods of capturing and re-imagining stories of everyday life for people and places undergoing transition because of conflict?
Facilitators include Yasmin Fedda, Sara Domville and Áine O’Brien.
For more information, please visit here.