Screen a film this Refugee Week with Moving Worlds
16th May 2017
Highlight Arts are very excited to launch Moving Worlds, a film programme we have developed with Counterpoints Arts. We have curated a special program for this year’s Refugee Week from 19 – 25 June.
Are you a community organizer, activist, educator, youth worker, artist and cultural worker interested in screening films for Refugee Week?
We’ve curated an exciting range of features and shorts from the UK, Syria, Switzerland, Sweden, Mali, and the USA. Many of these screen stories explore experiences of forced displacement of individuals and families across borders, allowing diverse audiences to follow migration stories and personal narratives of loss, resilience, community engagement, solidarity and hope.
We invite you to screen these films during Refugee Week 2017 in unusual places making your own makeshift ‘cinemas’ – from your kitchen, local park, community centre, to schools and workplaces. We have also designed downloadable resources and post-screening conversation guides to encourage lively conversations across all ages after the screenings.
To access information about the films and to get information on how to hold a screening please visit the website:
Our thanks to the creative and passionate filmmakers and producers who have generously agreed to make their films available for this special Refugee Week, Moving Worlds package.